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Phenol free diet - phenol free diet

01-02-2017 à 10:18:36
Phenol free diet
NHANES data were downloaded from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website ( CDC 2014 ). Girls were eligible for the study if they were between 14 and 18 years old, spoke English or Spanish, and had lived in the United States for at least 1 year. Salicylates are one type of phenol in the phenol family and scientists believe they are produced by plants for use as their own natural protection from diseases, insects, fungi, and harmful bacteria. To enhance sensitivity, the mass spectrometer data were acquired using multi-period mode during chromatographic elution time. If you need assistance accessing journal content, please contact. Parents with children on the Autism Spectrum are usually familiar with his work. Field quality control included collection of 20 field blanks using highly purified water treated as urine samples, including contact with all field collection materials (e. Because parabens and phthalates are found in a wider range of products, we did not conduct similar exploratory analyses for these analytes. Geometric mean urinary concentrations of phthalate metabolites, paraben, triclosan, and BP-3 all decreased over the course of the 3-day intervention ( Table 3 ). However, 35% of participants stated that, at least once during the 3 day intervention, they had washed with soaps other than the replacement soaps provided by the study. Participants provided an in-office urine sample in a sterile polypropylene cup. Metabolite levels decreased in 68%, 58%, and 55% of girls for MEP, MnBP, and MiBP, respectively ( Table 3 ). Concentrations below the limit of detection were assigned the value of LOD divided by the square root of 2 ( Hornung and Reed 1990 ). She was then reminded not to use any of her usual personal care products during the intervention period. Through his work, he found that many other dietary chemicals were causing physical and even behavioral reactions in his patients. She was also asked if there were products she had used that were not in the pictures. This is consistent with our finding of a significant decrease in MEP but not the other two metabolites. Of the classes of chemicals studied, we found that phthalate concentrations decreased the least, with a 27% average decrease in MEP, an 11% nonsignificant average decrease in MnBP, and no change in MiBP. 2016. Vera, 1 Gonzalo Meza-Alfaro, 1 Jianwen She, 2 Qi Gavin, 2 Rana Zahedi, 2 Asa Bradman, 1 Brenda Eskenazi, 1 and Kimberly L. Although detection frequencies increased postintervention, the differences were not statistically significant. All were between the ages of 14 and 18 years and self-identified as Mexican or Mexican American. More than half (57%) of participants reported speaking mostly Spanish at home, and 19% were born in Mexico. Toward a Better Beauty Regimen: Reducing Potential EDC Exposures from Personal Care Products. The replacement personal care products provided to participants were selected to be free of phthalates, parabens, triclosan, and BP-3. Involving youth in the design and implementation of the study was key to recruitment, retention, compliance, and acceptability of the intervention. Changes in analyte concentrations for each individual are shown in Figure S1. The Health and Environmental Research on Makeup of Salinas Adolescents (HERMOSA) Study was a youth empowerment intervention study examining strategies to reduce personal care product chemical exposure to adolescent girls. Two phenols are also commonly used in personal care products. For example, one small study found that the average adult woman uses approximately 12 individual personal care products each day, whereas the average teenage girl uses 17 ( Environmental Working Group 2008 ). The characteristics of the 100 young women enrolled in the study are shown in Table 1. Participants were 100 adolescent girls living in Salinas, California, a small city in an agricultural region of Northern California with a predominantly Latino population. The body utilizes what it needs from the chemicals and properly disposes of the rest through the bowels. The main reasons for noncompliance were forgetting (32%), being away from home (12%), and using their regular product in cases when they did not choose a replacement among the additional four products allowed (21%). Overall, triclosan concentrations decreased in 65% of girls. Ionization of the analytes was carried out by atmospheric pressure chemical ionization (APCI). Geometric mean (GM) concentrations of creatinine-corrected and uncorrected analytes were compared between HERMOSA and NHANES using t -tests. At the time of the preintervention interview, 67% of participants were wearing makeup and 30% were wearing sunscreen. Concentrations of BPA and the phthalates that were not the primary focus of this analysis tended to be higher in NHANES girls than in HERMOSA girls (see Table S1). Dr. Compliance with the intervention varied for different product types ( Table 4 ). This method measures four parabens (methyl paraben, ethyl paraben, propyl paraben, and butyl paraben), BP-3, triclosan, and BPA. The analytical method used to measure environmental phenols in urine has been previously described ( Gavin et al. Quality control samples were included in every analytical run, and the recoveries were all within 30% of the respective target values. , urine cups, aliquotting materials, vials). Reducing Phthalate, Paraben, and Phenol Exposure from Personal Care Products in Adolescent Girls: Findings from the HERMOSA Intervention Study. Phenols are nothing more than natural chemicals made up of a benzene ring with one or more hydroxyl (OH) groups attached to it (science talk for how it is put together). All analytes were approximately log-normally distributed, so analyte concentrations were log 10 -transformed for analysis. If you need assistance accessing journal content, please contact. Methods: We enrolled 100 Latina girls in a youth-led, community-based participatory research intervention study to determine whether using personal care products whose labels stated they did not contain these chemicals for 3 days could lower urinary concentrations. At the postintervention visit, 23% of girls reported that they had checked the ingredients of their regular products for these chemicals. No significant differences were seen in the proportion of participants with detectable levels of triclosan or BP-3 pre- and postintervention. Skin moisturizer use was common, with 65% of participants reporting daily use and 84% using moisturizer at least four times per week.

They are found in many of the foods we eat like fruits, veggies, and nuts and can also be man-made for use in common non-food applications such as toothpaste, hair dyes, medicine, and disinfectants. They also answered open-ended questions about their experience with the intervention study. Participants were interviewed three times: during a home visit, and at pre- and postintervention office visits. All interviews were conducted by the youth researchers. g. Additionally, MnBP is slower to clear from the body after exposure than MEP ( Janjua et al. 2008a ), so it is possible that 3 days was not long enough to detect statistically significant changes in MnBP concentrations. As it turns out, salicylates are chemically very similar to the man-made chemical acetylsalicylic acid, more commonly known as Aspirin. In exploratory analyses, we compared pre- and postintervention urinary concentrations of BP-3 among participants who had used sunscreen within 48 hr before the preintervention visit, and triclosan among participants who had used Colgate Total toothpaste within the 48 hr before the preintervention visit. The pre- and postintervention visits occurred between 0800 and 1600 hours at the HERMOSA research office approximately 1 week after the home visit. Girls participating in the study were provided with low-chemical personal care products and asked to refrain from using their regular products for 3 days. The participant was shown the photographs we had taken at the home visit and was asked to indicate which products she had used in the previous 48 hr and when. Several girls stated that they appreciated learning about chemical exposures in personal care products and being taught methods for reducing their exposure ( Appendix 1 ). The final products for use in the intervention were selected by the youth researchers, who tried all the products to help identify those most likely to appeal to adolescents based on marketing, scent, and effectiveness. Discussion: This study demonstrates that techniques available to consumers, such as choosing personal care products that are labeled to be free of phthalates, parabens, triclosan, and BP-3, can reduce personal exposure to possible endocrine-disrupting chemicals. All replacement products were selected and purchased by the study with no input from manufacturers or retailers. The authors declare they have no actual or potential competing financial interests. We took photographs of each bin to ascertain brand names. Products were not tested for the presence of these chemicals because we lacked the resources for laboratory testing and because we wanted to select products based on information available to consumers. Half of the study participants (50%) reported using makeup at least 4 days per week, and 65% reported wearing fragrance at least 4 days per week. Girls were encouraged to choose the beauty products they used most often to help them comply with the intervention. Adolescent girls may be at particular risk of exposure through this route. It is important to remember that most foods have some level of phenols in them (there are many subgroups, compounds, and close chemical relatives) and that they are natural and can even be beneficial to the body, as is the case with antioxidants in fruit. Participants were recruited through social media, word of mouth, and personal networks of the youth researchers. Background: Personal care products are a source of exposure to potentially endocrine-disrupting chemicals such as phthalates, parabens, triclosan, and benzophenone-3 (BP-3) for adolescent girls. Our community-based participatory research study was conducted by youth researchers in a primarily Mexican American low-income community in Northern California. Figure S1 illustrates the individual changes pre- and postintervention for each girl, showing that metabolite levels increased for some girls. Finally, there are indications that DEP and DnBP use in personal care products is decreasing, presumably due to consumer advocacy ( Campaign for Safe Cosmetics 2011 ). Citation: Harley KG, Kogut K, Madrigal DS, Cardenas M, Vera IA, Meza-Alfaro G, She J, Gavin Q, Zahedi R, Bradman A, Eskenazi B, Parra KL. No wipes or external cleaning products were used before collection of the urine sample. We examined changes in urinary concentrations by comparing pre- and postintervention GMs and detection frequencies (DF) and used mixed-effects models to quantify average within-individual percent change in urinary concentrations before and after the intervention, controlling for time of urine collection. However, some figures and Supplemental Material published in. This research was supported by funds from the California Breast Cancer Research Grants Program Office of the University of California, grant number 18BB-1800. 2014 ). Phenols and Salicylates: What They Are and Why It Matters. Feingold is probably the most widely-known individual to study this chemical, as he developed what is now referred to as the Feingold Diet. Different types of phthalates, parabens, and phenols are used in a wide variety of consumer products. Creatinine was measured using applications of a colorimetric method known as the Jaffe reaction, and based on a method commercially available (BioAssay Systems QuantiChrom Creatinine Assay Kit DICT-500) but using end point reaction measurements and absorbance value collections after 45 min of incubation time at 490 nm. Participants seemed to enjoy being in the study. The participants provided a follow-up, in-office urine sample and completed a brief questionnaire about their knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors related to personal care product chemicals and their compliance with the intervention. Parabens can be found in a wide variety of personal care products including cosmetics, lotions, soaps, and shampoos ( Guo and Kannan 2013 ). Participants then completed a computer-assisted, interviewer-administered questionnaire including basic demographic questions and detailed questions about personal care product use in the previous 48 hr. This study was approved by the Committee for the Protection of Human Subjects at UC Berkeley. He developed the Feingold Diet to eliminate all food additives, colorings, and salicylates. In those whose levels are abnormal, or in the case of leaky gut syndrome, intolerance to this chemical family can occur rather quickly. All analyses were conducted using Stata version 13 (StataCorp, College Station, TX). The postintervention visit was scheduled 3 days later at the same hour as the preintervention visit, to minimize the influence of diurnal variability on differences in analyte concentrations before and after the intervention. Reducing phthalate, paraben, and phenol exposure from personal care products in adolescent girls: findings from the HERMOSA Intervention Study. Individual patterns in changes in paraben concentrations are shown in Figure S1. Unexpectedly, concentrations of ethyl and butyl paraben concentrations increased, although concentrations were low overall and not detected in almost half the samples. All target analytes in the field blanks were below the respective LODs. In a normal body, one with the correct levels of sulfates and liver enzymes, phenols and salicylates are easily metabolized. Urinary concentrations of other measured analytes that are not primarily found in personal care products, such as the phthalate metabolites MBzP, MCHP, MEHP, MEHHP, MECPP, MEOHP, and MCPP and BPA, did not change during the course of the intervention (see Table S3).

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